Sunday, March 14, 2010

INTRODUCTION, Walton Cemetery


An Index Based Upon a Photographic Inventory of Names on the Grave Markers Found in the Cemetery March 4 - 8, 2010

by William T. Thornton

Fulton, Mississippi

The following alphabetized index lists all of the names found in Walton Cemetery, March 4 - 8, 2010. Researchers are advised to follow the links to the images to determine exact birth and death dates and to view other information on the grave markers. By viewing the photographs of the markers, the exact spelling of names can be determined, the accuracy of dates checked, and other valuable information about family relationships may be obtained.

No attempt was made to provide a locator for the graves but a general guide: If the marker image number is between 3842 and 4198, the grave is on the east side of the cemetery (the lower numbers begin at the base of the hill near the arched cemetery sign). If the marker image number is between 4204 and 4565, the grave is further up the crest of the hill to near the cedar trees at the top of the hill. If the marker image number is 4574 and higher, the grave is located from the east side of the cedar trees to the fence on the west side of the cemetery.

Disclaimer: There are obviously many additional burials at Walton Cemetery. Depressions and broken grave markers indicate graves without a readable marker. No attempt was made to determine who these unmarked burials were. Further, no claim is made that the transcriptions are accurate and that all markers were included. Approximately ten grave markers were so eroded that no information could be determined from them. Researchers are advised to consult earlier transcriptions of the burials at Walton Cemetery or to visit the cemetery for a direct assessment of who is buried there.

Directions for using photograph links: If using this index online, simply click the link (image number) to be carried to Flickr and to the photograph stored there. To view the photographs without access to the links, go online to Flickr and enter in their search bar the words "Walton Cemetery" plus the image number of the photograph. The images are stored at Flickr in the account "hillcountrymonroecounty." A copy of all of the images from Walton Cemetery are also available at the Itawamba Historical Society's library on three CDs; bring a laptop to view individual photographs which are filed by image number.

SURNAME, Given name, Year of birth, Year of death, Name of cemetery, image number of grave marker photograph/link

abt: about

nd: no dates

nod: no other date

___: missing or unreadable information

[ ]: information not on grave marker; added

Index and photographs copyright © 2010. William T. "Terry" Thornton, Fulton, Mississippi. All Rights Reserved.

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